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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Highway Racer Free Package - Free Unity Asset Download

 Download Highway Racer FREE Unity. 

PC – Android – Documentation – YouTube Videos

Highway Racer is the best unity asset which is a physics based endless racing game against traffic. Cross traffic vehicles at fast speeds, earn score, buy and customize your cars.

Wanna create your own endless highway racing game? Pack includes all required assets in this single unity package! Realistic Car Controller physics is used for driving all player vehicles.

Highway Racer Free Package - Free Unity Asset Download

Package Contains

* 5 Player Vehicles,

* 5 Traffic Vehicles,

* 3 New Levels,

* Easy Editor Scripts and Editor tools for make and use your own content.

* All required C# Scripts, Mats, Textures, Sound Effects, etc…

Package is ready to publish on any store. You will get the exact pack you see in demo.*

Leading Features

* Powered by Latest Realistic Car Controller

* Very well Tested and ready to publish on all platforms like for PC, Android, iOS etc.

* Different game modes (including “Speed Bomb”)

* FPS, TPS and Top camera modes

* Pooling lightmapped roads

* Low count of drawcalls, tris (Max DC 90, Max Tri 55k)

* Optimized traffic cars without wheelcolliders

* Line switching traffic cars

* Variable traffic amount

* Unlockable Cars

* Customizable Cars (You can edit vehicles, prices)

* Control by editor scripts.

* Clean code, written in C#.

* Easy to use, highly customizable.

* Highly detailed and updated online documentation.

* Guaranteed support

Full PDF Documentation for;

* Creating&Configurating New Vehicles,

* Creating&Configurating New Levels,

* structured Main Menu, Options, Canvases, Multipliers, etc…

* Optimization On Levels,

I’ll keep project updated. So, don’t worry about future improvements.

Your reviews are most valued for us. Share you valuable views about this package.

* Sound effects used in PC demo is not included in the pack. These copyrighted sound effects site links are given in the documentation.

Check full details on Unity Asset Store:

Now download Highway Racer FREE Unity


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