Latest Assets

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Latest Free VariaBULLET2D Projectile & Bullet Hell System - Unity Assets Download Free

 VariaBULLET2D is a fully completed 2D unity projectile system!

It’s created to be very flexible, instinctive and easy to use whether when vivid constructing casting patterns in the unity editor or when enlarging the code to develop your own special shot types.

The system is flexibly integrated with already created projects or you can use any of the sixty five plus included scenes as a foundation for a new one, complete with character controllers, collision management scripts for tackling damage, demolishing objects and instantiating explosions.. and a lot more!

Latest Free VariaBULLET2D Projectile & Bullet Hell System -  Unity Assets Download Free


Games of all types and orientations are supported: vertical, horizontal, bullethell, side scrolling, puzzle, physics, non-physics. Actually any 2D type game that needs projectiles!

ONE SYSTEM. LIMITLESS USES: This nulled unity assets is precisely the same whether developing relatively simple player, enemy or weapon shot system or fierce & difficult clusters which fill the unity gameplay screen in this paid unity assets free.

THE UNITY ENGINE YOU KNOW AND LIKE: VariaBULLET2D was 100% developed natively using Unity’s built-in method and component system that you already understand. No muss around with a whole unlike set of scripting process, languages or private code!

NO SCRIPTING NEEDE: Great care was taken to not only create VariaBULLET2D vastly simple to learn and enlarge with your own systems, but to also allow a better deal of system to be defined visually, directly within the unity editor!

HIGHLY STRUCTURED: Since the basic systems are completely created in Unity free engine, there is no add on overhead and with the added structure of optional object pooling you can get thousands of simultaneous bullets without loosing FPS in this download unity assets free.

NEW IN v1.06:

· Optimizations for “Pixel Perfect” game style

· Refurbish automatons, for developing dynamic casting sequences in unity assets download free

· Bullet scaling effects

NEW IN v1.05:

· Draw motion curves + easing for more flexible & dynamic emitter movement automation

Note: This free unity assets download is for learning purpose or to test 

 the demo before purchasing. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.

NEW IN v1.04:

· Massive Shum-style Super Lasers!

NEW IN v1.03:

· Dynamic colliders (1000’s more bullets!)

· Persistent shot “banking” object pooling option

· Individual emitter pitch controls

· Turret follower demo script + scene

· Pro controller setting for shooting nested casters

NEW IN v1.02:

· Bubble & Flame thrower type weapons

· Dynamic shot colorization options

· Randomized Automator option

· Easy support for structured sprite-based effect FX


· Set emitters visually in the editor

· Nest and automate emitter groups

· Omni-directional firing

· Stepped and linear emitter automatons

· Simple shot animation frames and rotations

· Over 20 different built-in shot behaviors

· Simple and efficient one-click object pooling

· Custom firing point indicators

· Physics and Non-physics shots

· Highly extensible shot behavior system

· Single casting level controls (rate, sprite, speed, etc)

· Timer and emitter-death event system

· Storable presets and Realtime preset switching

· Slowdown and CPU throttling emulation

· Flexible collision and explosion system

· Potentially 1000’s of bullets at 60FPS

· Simple audio event system

· Fast emitter cloning workflow

· Shot parenting and release events

· Over 400 Sprite and Audio Assets

· Extensive documentation

Over 65 Included Demo Projects:

· 30+ Bullet Hell pattern examples

· Side-Scrolling Run n’ Gun

· Horizontal Shooter

· Vertical Shooter

· Top-Down Inertial Shooter

· Puzzle Shooter

· Physics Destruction

· And Lots More!


Over 20 Included Shot Behaviors:

· Linear (Physics/Non-Physics)

· Accelerating (Linear/Exponential)

· SpeedWave

· Bouncing (Physics)

· Gravitational (Physics)

· Homing (Non-Physics/Inertial)

· Re-Angle

· Boomerang

· Flame Thrower

· Super Laser

· Laser Beam

· Laser Packet

· Bullet With Emitters

· Exploding Bullets

· Easily Extend To Create Your Own!

Check out the details of this unity assets free download pack on Unity Asset Store:

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