Desert Village Package
Desert Village vol 3 is the pack for the games that are focused to have a completely deserted gameplay or some scenes of deserts feel are in the project. Utilizing Desert Village 3 pack you can make an amazing desert environment and create games that actually give
end users the feeling of being present in the desert. This unity free
pack is not totally the same but to some point, with this free nulled unity asset you can build an environment same to the games like Desert Order etc. So normally this is how the developing flow for games work. Once we finalize our gameplay design the next thing we seek for is the environment ease of access. If we have an environment obtainable, we go ahead further towards the development procedure.
1) 3D Desert landscape
We all understand that the 1st important thing is the landscape. Through landscape player will know that where he is playing it. In this deserted environment, the most valuable thing is including the desert landscape.
2) Joshua Tree Pack
They can be utilize to build that awesome look in the game where you want to display the grating environment of the desert but there are some flexible points also, to sort of represent that thing this tree can make it for you do that.
3) Distressed 3D Wooden Chairs
Hopefully you know what you can do with them. Almost anything!. You can build a sitting area, you can utilize them in corridors you can use them outside. It's up to you whatever is your requirement you can utilize them there.
4) Wooden Barrels Pack
They can be put to display some particular sort of locations like they can be put somewhere to appear they are whiskey containers. You can categorize them in a way of your own choice and strategy.
5) Storage Chest Pack
You require to have a depository room or any place where you required to store your arms or gold or whatever in your game project, chests are the best thing to do so, and these wooden storage chests can be utilized for that. So, go ahead and play with them creatively.
6) Distressed 3D Wooden Bench
You do not have the bench but you have chairs so the amalgamation does not seems accomplished yet, so, finalize that, you own wooden benches. You can build a casual-like sedentary environment with outside. Or if there's anything else in your mind, you can follow that plan. No limitations :)
7) Porch Houses Pack
You own residences with porches on the ground floor that in some way assist to build the feel of a socially attached people of the place the game is being played in. If you have that idea in mind you can work on them in that direction or otherwise there are some beautiful houses that can be positioned in someplace to finish the environment.
8) 3D Wooden Canopy
Well, you own chairs, you have different benches and chest & drums etc. So what is that you are missing? Something to shield them from the top side. is it Right? Yes! for that, you have a shade. Now It builds the complete sense of the outer environment in a desert.
9) Deserted Fog Pack
You have build the complete environment and ready to start the gameplay, but still something is missing yet and I think that is fog. The fog will put in that classic look to the game and the end user will feel like having an experience of realistic scenes just like being really in a deserted environment. so yeah, it's there for you. So, not everything, but to some level, we tried to summarize the assets accessible in this Desert Village 3 pack. Yet! there are some things left unspoken, do you know why? Because you require yourself to search them, so download the pack and inspect what else you can discover.
Needed Unity Version: Unity5.5 to Unity5.6 _ all version, Unity2017 to Unity 2018 and higher
Package Size: 191 MB
Ready-made test scenes included
Minimal Set Pass Calls
Optimized for Mobile Devices
Create your own game easily
Easy to customize and reuse
4k Images, Common maps, Spec maps & Spec bump Shader
Desert Village pack is a unity asset 4 u. So basically this asset is very useful to create a big awesome environment for your game project. It is so realistic that your game graphics will be so amazing and user will like it and play your game for long time. Your game will not legging during gameplay and it will run very smoothly. It is specially optimized for mobile devices. You can reuse this pack again and again in your game project. Demo scenes are included in the pack which will help you to understand the asset and then you will build your own environment of your own idea. You can create an environment with desert landscape from scratch. So you have no need to worry about the game environment now you can create beautiful environment for you game with the help of this awesome unity pack anytime. It is very easy to utilize this unity asset. You are lucky that you can now download this pack for free no need to purchase this asset. So get it now and enjoy making your game project.
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